One of the things we notice with age is the tightening of our muscles and the fact that, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, we become less flexible and more likely to develop pain. Harley Pasternak, however, has a great move for loosening up your lower back using this couch stretch, and the best part is that you don’t have to leave your couch. Now that’s a win-win!

Okay, we know that many hours spent at an office desk, or slumped watching a boxset plays havoc with our health and fitness. But fortunately, a few simple stretches could be all it takes to reverse our woes.

Harley Pasternak is a celebrity trainer whose long list of celebrity clients include Megan Fox, Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr, and Penélope Cruz. But as a nutrition and exercise scientist, Pasternak’s pointers are not only for those who walk the red carpet. In fact, all you have to do is lie down on your own carpet to get started.

“You’ve probably heard that sitting is the new smoking,” says the popular PT in a pinned IG post. “Sitting for too long can mess with your back and shorten your hip flexors. This simple mobility drill can really help release the tightness from your hip flexors, that’s helping with lower back tightness and pain. Give it a try.”


Harley Pasternak’s Couch Lower Back Stretch

  • Lie on your front and put your knees up to the couch, feet up, with toes pointing down towards the seat cushion.
  • Slowly push your feet down into the cushion.
  • Put your hands under your shoulders, elbows against ribs.
  • As your feet are going down, push up with your palms, and feel the stretch in your knees, hips, and lower back.

“Feel that relief,” explains Pasternak. “All through your hip flexors, the front of your quads, all the way up to your lower back.” The coach says that we should be aiming for 5 reps, holding for 10 seconds with each rep. “And, I’m telling you, not only will it help your lower back feel way better, but you will probably be four or five inches taller. Guaranteed.” Okay, so that last part is definitely not guaranteed. But the notion that hip flexor stretching can lead to a more advantageous positioning of the lumber spine and pelvis is very much backed up by science. This makes it a great tool for athletes who are looking to improve their performance, or those who want to try and reduce their back pain.

For more helpful health and fitness tips, follow Harley Pasternak on Instagram.

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By Josh

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