The defined Dutchman, Wesley Vissers, won first place at the 2024 Arnold Classic, and already has his sights set on Olympia gold in 2025. Boiling over with enthusiasm, he has now taken to social media in order to share his Wesley Vissers Olympia Rule Change suggestion for the Olympia and other major bodybuilding competitions.

“Who else thinks the side tricep pose should be mandatory in classic?” asked Vissers of his one-million-plus Instagram followers on Jan 25. In the post, Vissers can be seen breaking out the aforementioned side triceps pose, while revealing huge arms that closely resemble twisted steel. By perfecting the pose, he had his followers impressed, but it’s not obligatory at the Olympia or other classic division shows.

Making Sense of the ‘Wesley Vissers Olympia Rule Change’

As of now, the mandatory poses in the Classic Division consist of:

  • Front Double Biceps
  • Side Chest
  • Back Double Biceps
  • Abdominal and Thighs
  • Favorite Classic Pose (a variation on the above)

While the side triceps pose is not mandatory in classic physique, judges may still call for it, so it makes sense to be like Vissers and practice it for good measure. Still, despite his success at the Arnold, the big man placed a disappointing eighth place at last year’s Olympia But with Chris Bumstead lifting what may prove to be his sixth and final trophy at the event, before hanging up the lifting straps, there’s everything to fight for. “Amazing physique,” wrote one fan. “Classic lines!” commented another.

When it came to the Wesley Vissers Olympia rule change suggestion, other fans felt that there was another way for the athlete to deliver it as a mandatory pose. “I think you should just compete in the open,” wrote one follower. “Just do open?” echoed another. Of course, Vissers’ suggestion was largely made as a bit of fun to accompany his tremendous triceps pics but never say never in the world of bodybuilding.

One thing is for sure: This will be a pivotal year for the Dutchman.

Follow Wesley Vissers on Instagram. 

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By Josh

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