Many kids of the early 2000’s listened to Eminem and Linkin Park. Imagine if their music was blended together. The result of that mixture could be Jeff Thompson, better known as Ekoh. His music career has been on the rise in recent years, and both of those legendary acts were sources of inspiration for him.

“I am a kid that was raised on Eminem and Linkin Park and was influenced by both worlds,” he said. “I was always a big fan of individual expression, creativity, and passion.”

Ekoh was very self-aware as a kid. He knew he did not excel in team sports but found he thrived on his own, which is how his music journey began.

“When I was by myself figuring out ways to create and express myself, I found myself,” he says.

Ekoh’s creativity was seen and felt when he wrote music. His dream became to do what the performers he listened to did, perform and inspire. He wanted his music to be blaring in the headphones of gymgoers, runners, and kids that needed an escape just like he did.


Addiction at an Early Age

His road to success was not an easy one. He found himself in rehab at 18 years old to overcome addictions to painkillers, heroine, and cocaine. He acknowledges that the cause or sources of his addictions is a smorgasbord of issues. He grew up the child of a single mother who had him and his brother before she was 18. He found himself being drawn to simple forms of pleasure that he had easy access to, including food, alcohol, and eventually prescription pills and drugs.

“Whatever was easily accessible,” he said. “With food, it was whatever gave me pleasure. When I am feeling some sort of way, eating this can help bring me down. I also grew up in the oxycontin era, and we didn’t know how bad it was.”

The good news was that he was able to get help before it was too late. When he left rehab, Ekoh was ready for a fresh start, but he was unsure what that looked like. In the meantime, he just did the one thing he loved – and felt he was good at – creating music.

“I didn’t know how to record or anything about song structure, or anything like that. I just started doing it to express myself.”

Fitness Became a New Fuel

While Ekoh was in rehab, he had to work with a personal trainer. His first experience with that trainer led him to discover that he could use training as a way to regulate himself and stay on track.

“I wake up every morning with a full tank and needed a way to get it out because if it stays in me, it rots, so to speak. Exercise, back then, was a way to feel good about myself and assure that I would sleep well at night.”

Ekoh lives in Las Vegas, which has become a bodybuilding and fitness hotbed. So, he is in the right place to scratch his fitness itch. Ekoh does boxing training once a week, and he performs weight workouts and High Intensity Interval Training cardio as well. He particularly enjoys using a VersaClimber, even though he doesn’t think it is a popular machine with other gymgoers.

Ekoh said, “I feel like not many people use it because I am the only one that is on it when I go to the gym.”

His Dream Became His Career

Ekoh is an independent artist, meaning that he does not work with a record label or management. He described his rise to stardom as a “slow build,” but he ascended consistently and now has many fans on social media and at his concerts.

“It has been one fan at a time, one song at a time, one show at a time,” he proclaimed. “When it got to a point that it was sustainable without a job, that was another big step for me.”

That formula is one he follows to this day, emphasizing that he makes music for fans and focuses on being discovered by fans instead of executives. Social media has been a big asset for him, and he credits it for a large part of his exposure and success.

“If you do it the right way and make stuff that people can connect with, you’ll find your audience. People now have been taking notice on bigger levels.”

Experience Ekoh In Person

His audience will get to see him live at various stops when he goes back on the road in 2025. He will be performing over 20 dates in several cities throughout the country, and if you plan to see him, be ready to rock out and bring extra energy and Vans shoes with you so he can possibly sign them.

“I try to give the experience of the music in person, which is emotional depth, energy, authenticity, and we have a really good time. We go hard,” he stated. “As for the Vans, that just kind of became our thing.

Even though he will be on the road, that will not be an excuse for him to skip training. He still finds a way to get the workouts in because they are a part of who he is and helps him thrive when he gets onstage because he is trying to entertain thousands of fans and give them a memorable show.

“I jump rope while rapping a verse before I go onstage,” he explained. “Exercise is not only important for me mentally, but also career wise. I need to be able to control my breathing when I am rapping, and it helps me do that.”

Ekoh’s future is bright, but he hopes that his journey thus far can make a positive impact on someone else. His road may not have been as smooth as other rising stars in his industry, but the combination of recovery, fitness, and pursuing his passion was worth every step. He is also proud that his story shows that regardless of where one starts, they can get where they want to go with the right work ethic and passion.

“That’s pretty cool.”

Ekoh’s Versa Climber HIIT Workout

If you happen to have access to a Versa Climber or similar cardio machine, you can try a sample of Ekoh’s HIIT workout for yourself. He begins his training sessions by going on it for 15-20 minutes before he lifts.

“This will kick your ass,” he says quite confidently.

Warm-up for 1 minute

90 seconds on, 30 seconds off

Repeat 7-8 times.

Cool-down for one minute.

*If you don’t have access to a VersaClimber, you can use a step mill or elliptical with the highest incline setting.

You can follow Ekoh on Instagram!

For touring information, Click here. 

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By Josh

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