With a seemingly ever-increasing inventory of new equipment entering our gyms, it’s important to note that some of the more traditional exercises are still epic when it comes to making gains. A perfect example is the humble calf raise machine, and there’s no bigger fan than Samson Dauda.

Taking to Instagram, Dauda recently demonstrated the tired and tested move as he readies himself for the 2025 Arnold Classic. Having won $600,000 for taking the Olympia title home last year, “The Nigerian Lion,” now has his sights firmly set on the $500,000 prize money that goes to the victor in Columbus, Ohio. “No muscle group left behind,” wrote Dauda in a post for his almost 1.5 million IG followers.

Samson Dauda Executes Standing Calf Raises Ahead of the 2025 Arnold Classic

Dauda took his first Olympia trophy in 2024 after presenting the full package of muscle, definition, and symmetry, and by the looks of his calves, no stone is being left unturned in the pursuit of perfection.

By performing the standing calf raise, you will activate two muscles at the rear of the lower leg (the gastrocnemious and the soleus muscles). Calf raises are also great because they are low impact and will improve strength and flexibility in each calf while helping to build muscle mass at the same time. “Every body part get its own full attention,” said Dauda of his detailed approach. “That’s how you grow symmetrically.”

To try it for yourself, replicate Dauda’s technique and hold the position for around a second at the top of the lift for increased time under tension. For hypotrophy, aim for 3 sets of 12 reps, working with a weight that will bring you to failure, or close to failure with each set.

To follow Samson Dauda on Instagram click here!

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By Josh

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